Should Your Company Install a Standby Generator? 4 Reasons it May Be Worth It
As a business owner, it is up to you to keep your company safe. This means protecting your employees, any data you have collected on your clients, and your work itself. Have you thought about what would happen if your company were to lose power for more than a few minutes? What do you have to lose? Would you lose customers? Would you lose product? Would anyone be in danger?
The truth is that you have a lot to lose even if the power outage is relatively short. The good news is that there is a potential answer: A standby generator. Keep reading to discover why this may be the right choice for your company. Then contact Sonner Electric at 661-728-0126 to get started on the estimate and installation process.
You Can Ensure Continued Productivity
Having Power Could Potentially Save Lives
Security Will Be Securely in Place
You Won’t Have to Give Up Time to Brownouts or Rolling Outages
For some companies, it will not be the end of the world if they are down for a few hours. Other companies may lose millions if their business is forced to shut down during the busiest time of day. A standby generator allows your workers to keep working and keeps the necessary appliances and hardware running. How long your company can continue to function solely on a backup generator will depend on how much power your company uses and the size of your generator.
Southern California is not known for severe weather, but with changing eco-systems around the world, Mother Nature is becoming more unpredictable. If there were to be a weather event, such as a severe thunderstorm or heat storm, or a California wildfire, having power at your company could literally save lives.
If your company deals with sensitive information then a power outage could be exploited as a way to gain access to that data. If you have a security system at your location that prevents people from getting in or out of the facility, then losing power could put everyone in danger. A backup generator allows the power to keep running and data and security to remain in place.
Is there anything more frustrating than a rolling outage or a brownout? Even if it only lasts for 20 minutes, once your workforce gets out of working mode, they cannot get back into it instantly. If you have backup generator, it can instantly kick in so that it will be business as usual for your company.
Not all companies need a backup generator but for some, it can bring huge benefits. Which category does your company fall into? The best way to find out is to contact Sonner Electric at 661-728-0126. We will carefully assess your situation and let you know how a generator could help or if there are better options.