Do You Have Questions About Electrical System Upgrades? We Have the Answers You Need
When customers decide to upgrade their electrical system, they obviously have a lot of questions. You can phone Sonner Electric at 661-728-0126 and we’ll be pleased to answer your questions immediately, but you can also read on to find out some of the answers to the most typical queries.
Is updating my home’s electrical system necessary?
There are numerous indicators that it may be time to replace your electrical system. These warning indicators include a circuit breaker that trips frequently, lights dimming when an appliance is turned on, heated electrical panels, resetting a breaker after it trips and having it not stay reset, an electrical system older than 25 years, or dramatically altered electrical needs.
Why do older homes need to update their electrical systems?
to ensure the security of everyone inside. Just for a moment, consider how your electrical requirements change from those of a family who lived there when it was built if your house was constructed in the 1960s. Homes back then had a few clocks and appliances. Modern homes come equipped with a wide range of appliances, numerous technical devices that are plugged in, computers, and the list goes on.
A circuit breaker should trip when a house is not designed for these sophisticated electrical requirements. This indicates an overloaded circuit. Even while it could be annoying, if it didn’t trip, it could overload the circuit and start a major fire.
How durable are residential electrical panels?
Electrical panels made today should endure 25 to 40 years. Nevertheless, depending on the brand and type, this may change. You might find yourself needing to replace it sooner if you wind up adding a big electrical requirement, such an air conditioner or a jacuzzi, add more rooms that require electricity, or otherwise dramatically alter how you use electricity.
Can I do it on my own?
No. Only a certified, skilled household electrician should perform this. If you decide to do it yourself, it might not be up to code and you could endanger your home if you don’t do it correctly. The quick “savings” are simply not worth the potential problems with your house insurance and potential liability for other people’s property damage and injuries.
We suggest getting in touch with Sonner Electric at 661-728-0126 right away if your electrical system needs to be upgraded. We will thoroughly analyze your requirements before recommending a course of action.